Journal Suitability Reports

We offer confidential academic feedback on article drafts that helps to prepare and consolidate your work for peer review.

Incisive, constructive journal article feedback

For researchers who are looking for incisive feedback on their work before sending it off for peer review, we offer a rigorous and confidential academic reporting service. Through this, we seek to pre-empt the kind of assessment you may receive from a particular journal, academic search committee, or publisher. We thereby enhance your chances of success by countenancing potential objections to your work, from the editorial to the ideological. We can moreover help you to implement the necessary changes and improvements. This service helps you to publish your work faster, in the most suitable journal for it, with fewer rounds of revisions, and with even fewer run-ins with Reviewer #2.

Lex Academic’s Journal Suitability Reporting provides detailed and reasoned recommendations on where to submit your paper. Reports are based on a close reading of the paper in question. Our Publication Consultant, Professor Constantine Sandis, will then outline your best journal options and give advice for the paper’s most propitious direction in relation to each one of them. Journal suitability reports can also be paired with our academic feedback service, which effectively simulates and anticipates peer review, so that your paper is in the best possible condition before submission.

Following consultation with us, our clients have published in the following journals:

  • AI Studies: Philosophy & Technology, Synthese, Minds and Machines, Science and Engineering Ethics, Topoi, and European Journal of Philosophy
  • Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology, American Anthropologist, Social Analysis, History and Anthropology, and Chinese Sociological Review
  • Art and Architecture: Architectural Research, Oxford Art Journal, Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, and Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Art History: Artibus et Historiae, Journal of Visual Culture, Journal of Roman Archaeology, and Sixteenth Century Journal
  • Business, Economics, and Management Studies: Journal of Media Business Studies, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Development, Journal of Financial Economics, European Economic Review, Economic Enquiry, Journal of Development Economics, and The Journal of Law and Economics
  • Bioethics: Journal of Medical Ethics, Medical Humanities, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, IRB: Ethics & Human Research, and Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
  • Classics: The Classical Quarterly, Apeiron, Ancient Philosophy, Journal of Hellenic Studies, Méthexis, and The Classical Review
  • Education: Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, Journal of Second Language Writing, and Teaching in Higher Education
  • Film and Cinema Studies: Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image, Journal of Artistic Research, Oxford Art Journal, and Film-Philosophy
  • Geography: Geoforum, Landscape and Urban Planning, Geopolitics, Cultural Geographies, and Political Geography
  • Law: Journal of Law and Society, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Edinburgh Student Law Review, and New Criminal Law Review 
  • Philosophy: British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Ergo, Synthese, Mind, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Philosophy, Ratio, Philosophia Mathematica, Philosophical Psychology, and Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
  • Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Journal of Applied Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Child Psychology, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, and Trends in Cognitive Science
  • Sociology: Annals of Tourism Research, British Journal of Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, and Youth & Society

If you are interested in any of our consulting services, please get in touch with our Publication Consultant, Professor Constantine Sandis, for more information and all enquiries.

Professor Sandis is on the Editorial Board at Hegel Bulletin and Think, on Philosophy Now‘s Board of Academic Advisors, and is currently the Area Editor at PhilPapers. He previously served as an Associate Editor of Philosophical Explorations, an Area Editor of Ergo, and an Associate Editor of Philosophy in Review.

Can we help with anything else?

Ensure your entire manuscript is submission-ready with our bespoke Indexing service. We also purvey extraordinary academic Proofreading and Substantive Editing. Our impeccable author services include correcting all typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. Where desired, we can make stylistic and substantive changes to your work that promise a powerful first impression with major publishers. Our authors have published with all of the top-tier publishing houses, including Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Penguin, Peter Lang, Princeton University Press, and Routledge.

Authors or publishers interested in our services should get in touch with our Managing Editor detailing their editorial requirements and publication ambitions.

Academic Proofreading | Lex Academic

Academic Proofreading

Proofreading is for those clients who need the peace of mind of knowing that their manuscript is absolutely fault-free.


Academic Copy-Editing

Copy-editing is for those clients who are hoping to improve the overall style and concision of their writing, while making a guaranteed impression with academic journals.

Substantive editing | Academic Proofreading | Lex Academic

Substantive Academic Editing

Substantive editing is for those clients whose writing expects to reach a wider public, owing to which it needs to be truly extraordinary.


Lex Academic are a listed supplier of academic translation services in dozens of elite universities, including Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Universität Luzern, Universität Ulm, and Università di Torino.

"Lex Academic copyedited my new book for Oxford University Press. I was extremely impressed with the entire editorial process, which significantly shortened the time I would have needed to submit the manuscript to the publisher. The editing was excellent and delivered in a timely manner. The editor was careful and meticulous, suggesting very well-judged, editorial interventions. Lex Academic offers an outstanding service and I do not hesitate to recommend it to all researchers in need of rigorous, academic, editorial support for their publications."

Professor Luciano Floridi (Oxford Internet Institute)