Reworking and reframing the grander themes and structural nuances of academic manuscripts
Our developmental editing service is intended to dramatically enhance and fortify academic work. It not only includes proofreading and copy-editing as standard, but considers the work as a whole: whether everything hangs together structurally, thematically, and flows smoothly. We also consider whether the text is fit for its intended purpose.
If your colleagues and peers have left comments on the text, we can engage with those and rework the text to ensure criticisms, oversights, and omissions are corrected. Normally, we find that work in an advanced draft stage receives the following types of comments from peers:
- Constructive objections
- Detection of ambiguity
- Empirical and non-empirical counter-thoughts
- Argumentative weakness
- Lack of clarity
- Narrative weaknesses
- Suggestions to address new research in the field
These are all things we can assist with. You are welcome to guide us in how many of the comments you feel need engagement. Some authors prefer us to remove unnecessary and contentious aspects of their work to expedite the drafting process, while others seek to make their work even more discursive (i.e., adopting a more dialogic, thesis–antithesis form).
The price for this type of service depends upon your precise needs and your deadline. We strive to be flexible but our high standard of rigour means we do not like to promise lightning-fast return times on developmental editing work.
Can we help with anything else?
Ensure your entire manuscript is submission-ready with our bespoke Indexing service.
Please get in touch with our Managing Editor detailing your editorial requirements.
We also offer French editing for francophone scholars.